på køb over 1.500 kr.
På køb over 1.500 kr.
14"x4" tykt, rundt, polstret sæde Blødt, men stærkt og holdbartvinylbetræk 44,5-55,9 cm stålspindel. Højdejustering med spindellås 3 dobbeltben Sk...
Se alle detajlerIncluded: 16 x 11" bass drum (6lugs) x 1, 10 x 5" snare drum (4 lugs) with stand x 1, 8 x 6" tom (4 lugs) with holder x 1, 10" crash cymbal with ...
Se alle detajlerSpecialfremstillet shell kit i 20/12/16" coated i DW´s FinishPly™ i farven Teal Glass Alle trommer i Collector's Series® er håndlavede i Oxnard, Ca...
Se alle detajler22"x16" stortromme 16"x14" gulvtom 12"x8", 10"x7" rack toms 14"x5" lilletromme B400 bækken stativ m/boom H400 Hi-hat stativ S400 lilletrommestativ...
Se alle detajlerIncluded: 16 x 11" bass drum (6lugs) x 1 10 x 5" snare drum (4 lugs) with stand x 1 8 x 6" tom (4 lugs) with holder x 1 10" crash cymbal with hol...
Se alle detajlerIncluding: 22" x 16" bass drum (12 lugs) 12" x 9" tom (10 lugs) 13" x 10" tom (10 lugs) + tom holders 16" x 16" floor tom (12 lugs) 14" x 5.5" wo...
Se alle detajlerIncluded: 12 x 10" bass drum (6 lugs) x 1 10 x 4.5" snare drum (4 lugs) with stand x 1 8 x 3.5" tom (4 lugs) with holder x 1 8" crash cymbal with...
Se alle detajlerIncluding: 22" x 16" bass drum (12 lugs) 12" x 9" tom (10 lugs) 13" x 10" tom (10 lugs) + tom holders 16" x 16" floor tom (12 lugs) 14" x 5.5" wood...
Se alle detajlerIncluding: 20" x 16" bass drum (12 lugs) 10" x 8" tom (10 lugs) 12" x 9" tom (10 lugs) Tom holders 14" x 14" floor tom (10 lugs) 14" x 5,5" woode...
Se alle detajlerIncluding: 22" x 16" bass drum (12 lugs) 12" x 9" tom (10 lugs) 13" x 10" tom (10 lugs) + tom holders 16" x 16" floor tom (12 lugs) 14" x 5.5" wo...
Se alle detajlerIncluded: 12 x 10" bass drum (6 lugs) x 1, 10 x 4.5" snare drum (4 lugs) with stand x 1, 8 x 3.5" tom (4 lugs) with holder x 1, 8" crash cymbal w...
Se alle detajlerIncluding: 20" x 16" bass drum (12 lugs) 10" x 8" tom (10 lugs) 12" x 9" tom (10 lugs) Tom holders 14" x 14" floor tom (10 lugs) 14" x 5,5" woode...
Se alle detajlerIncluding: 20" x 16" bass drum (12 lugs) 10" x 8" tom (10 lugs) 12" x 9" tom (10 lugs) Tom holders 14" x 14" floor tom (10 lugs) 14" x 5,5" woode...
Se alle detajlerIncluded: 16 x 11" bass drum (6lugs) x 1, 12 x 10" floor tom (4 lugs) x 1, 10 x 6" tom (4 lugs) with holder x 1, 8 x 6" tom (4 lugs) with holder ...
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