på køb over 1.500 kr.
På køb over 1.500 kr.
Material: B8 bronze ( 92% Copper and 8% tin alloy )
Material: B8 bronze ( 92% Copper and 8% tin alloy )
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy)
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy )
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy )
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy )
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy) Faster and more responsive, bright and cutting, while retaining the warmth and sweetness of ...
Se alle detajlerMaterial: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy)
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy) Moderately bright, warm with medium sustain and sweet overtones
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy)
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy)
Material: B8 bronze ( 92% Copper and 8% tin alloy )
Material: B8 bronze ( 92% Copper and 8% tin alloy )
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy)
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy )
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy )
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy )
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy)
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy)
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy)
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy) Versatile and musical hats that are crisp, sweet and have the perfect amount of sizzle
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy) Moderately bright, warm with medium sustain and sweet overtones
Material: B20 bronze ( 80% Copper and 20% tin alloy )